NTI Autonet successfully conducted V2x tests

18 january 2021
18 january 2021
NTI Autonet, NP GLONASS, FSUE NAMI, LLC SREDA, LLC Fort-Telecom and Auto-Talks company conducted the first compatibility tests of V2x hardware and software supporting ETSI ITS-G5 standards in Russia on December 23-25, 2020.

ETSI ITS-G5 standards provide the implementation of applications and services using machine-to-Vehicle (V2V) and machine-to-Infrastructure (V2I) data transmission modes and define requirements for equipment and software designed to ensure road safety, improve the efficiency of traffic management and ensure the movement of highly automated vehicles.

During the tests, V2x equipment and software (software) provided by FSUE NAMI, LLC SREDA, LLC Fort Telecom and Auto-Talks were used. During the tests, tests were successfully performed confirming the compatibility of solutions presented by the above-mentioned companies at the access layer, in terms of implementing the GeoNetworking protocol, working with messages ITSELF, DENM. The operation of the software in various scenarios and configurations of the road situation was checked in detail on the example of alerts about road works and pedestrian presence on the roadway. During the tests, the corresponding Program and Test Procedure (PMI) were tested.

More successful testing confirms the readiness of Russian manufacturers of V2x equipment and software to integrate V2x technology into automotive on-Board equipment and into elements of the V2x telecommunications infrastructure ( for use in V2x pilot projects deployed in Russia as part of the implementation of NTI Autonet projects and to conduct compatibility testing with V2x equipment installed on foreign-made cars.

"Despite the fact that only the first step has been taken, such tests are a unique opportunity to test the operation of V2X equipment and its interaction with ITS live. For two weeks, the engineers of FSUE NAMI, Fort Telecom LLC and SREDA LLC were in continuous contact and were able to check many work scenarios in the shortest possible time. The next step is testing at existing intersections with real cars," said Vladimir Makarenko, Business Development Director of Fort Telecom LLC.

"In 2020, the software for V2x equipment and the V2x service platform developed by LLC SREDA were tested in three pilot projects. Successful compatibility testing is a confirmation that our V2x software is ready for implementation both in Russia and abroad. Our next step is to implement V2x applications designed to ensure the movement of highly automated vehicles, such as the exchange of sensory information and collective recognition of the road situation," added Yaroslav Domaratsky, Chief Engineer of LLC SREDA, Ph.D.

In the first half of 2021, the listed companies plan to continue testing the compatibility of ETSI ITS-G5 software on a variety of V2X scenarios, as well as conduct compatibility tests of V2x hardware and software that supports C-V2x standards. All interested companies are invited to participate in the compatibility tests of V2x equipment, including manufacturers of OBU and RSU equipment, V2x software developers, ADAS developers, integrators and ITS operators, automakers.