It is an effective tool based on public-private partnership aiming to find and select promising projects and then to make them grow in successful world-class high-tech business. This encourages the sustainable increase of national GDP and employment creation for highly qualified specialists, ensures sovereignty in crucial technologies and strength of national security.
Plan of events ("roadmap") "Avtonet" of the National Technology Initiative
DownloadGovernment Decree of April 18, 2016 N 317 "On the implementation of the National Technology Initiative"
DownloadDecree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 16, 2017 No. 1251 "On Approval of the Rules for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget for the Provision of State Support to the Centers of the National Technological Initiative Based on Ed
DownloadGovernment Decree of September 29, 2017 N 1184 "On the procedure for developing and implementing action plans (" road maps ") to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers
DownloadAn action plan (“roadmap”) to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers to ensure the implementation of the Autonet Scientific and Technical Information Institute